10 Rounds
- By: tgrant726
- On:

In my effort to live my best life, I have been both running and doing a new Beachbody workout called 10 rounds, delivered to us all by the gorgeous Joel Freeman. I used to “share” a beach body account with a friend of mine, which I am aware is cheating the system, but her and I are honest in other endeavors so it really worked for a long time. When she decided to take a break from the account, I found I really missed those morning workouts, so I paid the ninety something a year to stream it right to my basement. I love it. Since the Y has been closed, it gives me a great sweat, combats anxiety and keeps me hovering around a relatively happy weight and allows me to hold onto the one sliver of sanity I have left.
I am not here to push you, as I really don’t aspire to be a pusher. If you have read my earlier posts, you will know that I failed in retail, because I just have a friendly, take it or leave it attitude. I love most all of the trainers on the beach body site and the streaming platform. My only real issue with it is that I dislike the Shakeology and the price, but maybe I need to give it another chance? I also dislike coaches preying on young Moms who just had a baby, or on people who look like they have had too many cheeseburgers. I have received more messages than I care to admit, that say something along the lines of:
“Hey girl, I know we haven’t talked since freshman year of high school and I said your name wrong in French class, but I noticed you are really looking like you could use an overhaul in your weight, skin and general well being of life. Hit me back and I have a great deal for you.”
Ummmm, I guess I’m good already? Like with the self that I woke up with this morning. I always want to support people who are doing their own thing and growing their own business, but I don’t think a great sales tactic is to reach out to individuals with a hey fatty tagline. On the flip side, I know several beach body coaches who put it out there to the universe, to people who might want soulful advice on their health and wellbeing and I find this a much more tried and true method. With that being said, I am going to tell you all about the perks of this program, without you even asking because you may want to box your little heart out and more power to you, if that brings you good health, joyfullness and eye candy.
I will start by telling you the perks of the program and you can trust me, cause I don’t sell it, but I am loving it. The largest perk is that Joel Freeman, is dreamy and muscular, but he’s also just a regular Joe. He snorts when he laughs, he mixes up his words, sometimes the moves don’t go as planned and he rolls with it. He is also super realistic that you may be new to boxing and so he takes it slow and steady with you. low expectations, which is my favorite bus to pick me up. He shows you all the different punches until you are super comfortable and then he adds on more when you are. There are only six punches, but you would be surprised how quickly you can mix them up when kids are screaming in the background and dogs are barking. If you feel like it’s a little slow the first week, it’s because it is. It is a slow burner program, like when you are cooking your Grandma’s recipe and she says stir continuously for 19 minutes, but don’t walk away from the stew. Don’t walk away from the stew everyone. Week one is just the jumping off point. I am on week 4 right now and I work up such a sweat, that even the little puglet watching me, is known to cock his head sideways like you okay boo?
Another perk of ten rounds is in the title. If you are a distractible gal like me. If you go to fitness classes and have an inner monologue that screams at people to just get the show on the road already! If you can’t run on a treadmill for more than twenty minutes because your brain starts to implode from lack of scenery and boredom, 10 rounds solves all of that. Each round is something new and different. First you are throwing punches, the next round you are doing a hiit movement, then more boxing, and he always ends with ab work to close it out. Don’t be afraid if you feel like breakfast is coming up with the ab moves. This is normal and also encouraged. The ab moves are no joke and most involve weights, so even if you have gained the covid 20, you have muscles underneath that are still going to get worked.
Another fun perk, which I don’t really care about, but you might, is that Joel moves to a different city for each week. So one week he is in Dallas, the next week he is Miami. The cast dresses to match the city and I can’t remember what Joel wears because I get too mesmerized staring at his abs. To me this feature is sort of like eh, a workout is a workout, but it does remind me that if someone can work out on a rooftop in Las Vegas instead of card playing and binge drinking, then I guess I ought to be able to do it in my basement.
For those of you Autumn lovers on Beachbody. Joel does not have a Kat and that is to say he does not have a modifier. I really identify with the modifier, truly I think I was the modifier in gym class. When Mr. Hoe would say 10 tricep pushups everyone and 10 people just stood there. He would go okay, just do them on your knees like Taryn is doing. I’m just a regular schmuck ya know? just trying to get by. So I do appreciate when a modifier is front and center to watch. But on the other hand, some of the cast members are not lifting crazy weights and so I don’t feel bad when I am pressing lower amounts.
One of the only faults about this program is that you have to pay 50 dollars on top of your membership if you want to try it. If that pisses you off, well I will remind you, you spent 50 dollars at Cushnoc getting garlic knots and pizza, so go ahead and spend the same amount on getting a wicked hot body, that is strong and healthy. If that doesn’t convince you, you could also try Joel’s Liift program, which comes directly with your membership and is AMAZING. I would need another post to tell you about that, but I have done it three times and lived to tell the tale, so yeah it’s pretty good.
The other negative to this program is that Joel does not stretch afterwards. He has a separate stretching video, but let’s be honest, nobody does it. They are so proud of getting through the 38 minutes of boxing, that they immediately begin to munch on bacon and scrambled eggs. So if I could text Joel again, I think he blocked my number, but if I could text him, I would say stretching is hella important, add that shit back in Joel. Some of us are sore AF over here. But besides that, give it a try and let me know what you think. If you are worried about cheating on Autumn and her programs, I think she will be okay with it in the end, as long as you come back around and visit. I am wishing you a happy and healthy holiday weekend. As always, please chime in with your own reviews or views on what makes you your happiest, healthiest self.