Dead to Us All

This week has been a heavy week. I also have been watching some heavy shows and just needed to lighten things up a bit. I did binge Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich on Netflix, and while crazy interesting and also maddening, I just needed to take a hiatus from it all. Maybe that is what you are doing by reading this blog. Anyhow, I think you should give yourself a break and Watch Dead to Me. Maybe you had other shows lined up and you have it on your to-do list, but it’s time to just connect and by connect I mean connect with Christina Applegate. Christina Applegate is the goddamn best and I don’t care who you are. She is everything I wish I was and more. If you are a loser and have not watched the first season, you will have to start there. First off, I’m sorry that you haven’t watched it yet. But there is still time for you. So go ahead and play that first season. Now you may start watching and think wow this is kind of a downer, the Dad of the family is dead. Yussssss and no, cause the Dad was kind of an a-hole (spoiler alert!!!) and also the show writers didn’t really need him, because Jen really holds that house up all on her own. I didn’t really care about the kids at first, but then I came to love that Jesus dancing little one and the sarcastic, rebellious older one. Jen parents them completely differently, which is so much fun to watch, because don’t we all do that as parents? I can remember my sister throwing the ULTIMATE tantrum when I was in middle school and she threatened to call DHS for my Mom throwing away her saxophone down the staircase or some such thing and my mom in the same movement handed my sister the cordless phone to dial the number, but also offered my younger sister a snack. Poof . Jen moment. Not all kids have the same needs and sometimes you like one more than the other and Jen knows this, she acts it out on the show.
Now let’s talk Jen and Judy for a minute. First of all, who dresses Judy? Because could they come to my house please!! Judy always looks gorgeous, which sort of annoys me because sometimes she doesn’t even have a place to live in certain episodes, but she reminds me of my friend Abby in that she can go into a store, rip a few outfits off the mannequins, rearrange them and then look ten times better than the mannequin outfit as she leaves. Who is your favorite if you have watched the show? It’s Jen isn’t it? I love Jen. Jen says it like it is and I AM SO JEALOUS and here for it. She tells people to f off if they need f off, she punches a guy who comes onto her when she says no, she is always telling that prim and proper neighbor right where to take a hike. Uggghh she is the best. There is a scene in the second season where Jen and Judy are crashing a wedding and having a heart-to-heart and a guy interrupts them. It is one of the absolute best scenes ever.
My two friends and I were talking about Judy the other night. We were mulling Judy over. What is it about Judy that gets under the skin? Why is she so annoying. Then, it hit me. I. am. Judy. Gosh that kinda sucks, but also sorta doesn’t. Judy is kind, passionate, loyal, nurturing, but she also gets used because of all these qualities and sometimes kicked around a lot, especially by the piece of crap boyfriend James Marsden. If there is a character that is miscast in the show it is James Marsden. He just doesn’t do it for me. He wasn’t good enough for Ally in the Notebook and he’s not good enough for me. I know that sounds snobby, but he is sort of too good looking and I just can’t really trust that. I came to appreciate him more in season 2, but not all the way. If you have finished the ending of season 2, what are your thoughts on the ending? I don’t love it. I’m not crazy about it, but it’s definitely not going to keep me from locking the door when season 3 comes out and telling my family I have a 12 hour migraine coming on. What are your thoughts readers? Love or hate? Judy or Jen?