Noomy Noom

I want to start this post by stating I don’t like fad diets. I hate weight loss shakes, I hate counting calories, I loathe secret pills, weight loss worms, bands that make your tummy look slimmer, bras that make your boobs look bigger (just kidding I love those!). Having said that, I have tried and cried through whole 30, I have done Weight Watchers, I have stood on a scale bare ass naked and screamed upstairs to my husband, this f’ing thing is broken.
My only saving grace is that I really like to work out and without that, I am convinced I would weight 789 pounds, but this winter/spring I hit an all time low with eating. I won’t even say I stepped on the scale and scared myself or anything like that, but I felt like crappola. I was feeling super isolated at work with Covid and I was working through lunch and when I say working through lunch I mean ordering from Ainslees and eating enough for four boys going through puberty and topping it off with a king size Reeses. Every time I got a text about a school being shut down or another case of Covid cropping up, I shoved more chips in my face. When a parent sent me a message on Seesaw that I couldn’t instantly take care of, I went down to the office and ate three or four chocolates to soothe it. When my kids were having trouble in their respective sports I crammed down fried pickles and cheesecake.
I was trying to compensate for the bad energy in my body by filling it up with food, which in turn gave me more lethargy and bad energy and it became a vicious cycle. One day I went to the Depot with a group of Moms and I noticed how skinny my friend Ashley looked. When I told her how great she looked, which by the way, is one of the best parts about being friends with me. I will always tell you how great you look. She responded by telling me how she was doing Noom. Ashley is a straight shooter so I knew the advice was sound. She is not one of those girls that is like eat three black beans, turn around five times, drink a green tea shake and you will lose ten pounds. She knows what it’s like to be busy, to be raising mouthy kids etc. She gets it, and so I decided to give it a try. I jumped in with both feet onto the scale and onto the app. 161 pounds is what the scale said. I didn’t believe it at first, but I entered it in.
Instantly, what I liked about Noom is the articles. You can read them or listen to them, but they help you explore your relationship with food. It’s also hard to read them while you are eating a whole pint of ice cream from the freezer. I mean you could do it, but I think that makes you a sociopath. The articles aren’t always centered around what foods to eat and avoid, they also have you explore why you eat when you do and around certain people. The app asks you to challenge yourself and be around your trigger foods and not eat/drink them. This is hard, but you do get better at it! I also learned about storm eating, which I have always called 3:00 or first supper eating and how to avoid it.
What I like about Noom is that you try to get all those green foods in (the fruits and the veggies, the unprocessed goodies) , but there are also the yellow foods and the red foods and you don’t ever have to say I can never have that, you just have to pick and choose , which works better for me. Lot’s of people have messaged me on facebook on how it works and I thought I would explain it all on here. Every morning you do weigh yourself. If this scares you don’t let it. You won’t always lose, but slow and steady is better than dropping five pounds and gaining ten. I try to give myself pats on the back for not falling into my old habits (sleeves of girl scout cookies) and adopting new habits (cold brew coffee instead of sugary white chocolate mocha). Although I have only lost ten pounds, I can feel a difference. I feel lighter doing my push ups, I feel my arms are more defined. I can see weight loss in my face and thighs, even if not in my stomach yet and I feel motivated to keep going and losing more. What is my ultimate goal you might ask? I have a number goal, but more than that, I have a feeling goal. I want to feel more energy and I want to lean down and take a picture with my sisters at a wedding this summer. I want to smile with my full awesome self and not turn sideways or from a high angle or whatever the hell the Kardashians are suggesting for a skinny picture. I want to just be me and look back on that picture and smile because even if I”m not my skinniest sexiest self, I will see a woman who is putting the time into herself and not just other people. I want to see a human who is using strategies other than rage eating to manage stress. So yes, it is just a little app and yes it does cost money. But I am worth every freakin penny.